What can you expect?


At Destination Church, we are committed to forming authentic relationships while learning more about our amazing God together and allowing Him to change our lives. We want to see Jesus honored in the ways we enjoy and serve Him, each other, our city, and the nations of the world. God loves people and so do we!


We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and that it gives us practical and spiritual application for our everyday lives. Following the singing, there will be a 40-45 minute teaching from the Bible, which we hope will leave you encouraged to grow in your walk with Jesus!


To start each meeting we spend about 30-35 minutes singing songs centered on Jesus and His great salvation; this is an expression of our worship. Some may stand or sit, clap or lift their hands in thanks or devotion; others may dance when the song fits. We like to celebrate, so enjoy!


Children from Age 4 through Grade 5 are invited to Kids Church during the teaching time. They will be released to their classroom following the singing. You may register them at the Info Table any time before this. Please pick them up immediately following the service.


Enjoying coffee and treats before or after church on Sunday is a great way to get introduced to the people of Destination Church. Other great ways to connect are through our weekly Community Groups (small groups), or serving alongside others in the church. Please fill out a Connection Card and drop it in the box at the Info Table so we can get to know you!


We offer Communion for all Christian believers as part of our worship once a month. If you are a follower of Jesus, please feel free to take the bread and juice when they are offered. We wait until everyone has been served so we can receive them together.


There is no expectation for guests to give. Giving is a part of how we worship God, and we encourage those who consider Destination Church their church home to give with excitement, faith, and joy! God has given to us, and we love to give back to Him! Cash or checks can be placed in the offering box on the back wall. Online giving is also available by following the "Give" link at the top of this page.